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Sunday, October 3, 2010

The 3 "S" Holidays: Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, Simchat Torah

After unpacking most of my things and packing another backpack for about a week of clothing, not really knowing where I plan on being, and Olivia's suitcase, I hail a taxi and head towards the Train Station to go to Ramat Beit Shemesh for a cousin BBQ.

Not only was Ra'annan, his wife, Sharon, and Olivia all there. But also, a bunch of random 3rd and 4th cousins, I believe, Bodzins, that are related to our grandfather, Charles Bodzin. The eldest Bodzin, that was there, is a great-great grandchild of Shimon Bodzin, grandpa's father. Its hard to figure out exactly b/c our generations don't match up.

After Ramat Beit Shemesh Olivia and I left for Jerusalem. I ended up spending the 4 day weekend with Olivia and her roommates in my old neighborhood of Baka. I visited Beit Ar El and my old apartment. I brought Olivia to Rami Levi, right before the holiday began, when its CRAZZZAYYY. After being overwhelmed, arguing with others, and finally making it out with a couple things we headed back to her apartment.

The rest of the very long weekend was spent dancing with the Torah, walking through different areas of Yamin Moshe, Katamon, Baka, going to the Beach in Rishon L'Tsion (not driving through Bat Yam), practicing Hebrew, going out at night with Olivia's friends, watching TV, and just catching up.

It was the perfect beginning and adjustment to Israeli Life and a precursor for Orientation that starts bright and early, Sunday Morning.

1 comment:

  1. You really aren't as specific as I many times did you go pee that day (on both ends!)? hahahhahah stam stam. Can't believe you are where we were and doing similar packing your backpack for a week. It's killing me. I am shocked as to how good you are about staying on top of blogging! Let's see how long this lasts... I am starting to feel like my mom in these comments...
